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Gutter Cleaning - A Serious Business

Luke Greenwood

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

With Spring on the (what seems like a very distant!) Horizon and the perpetual rain of a Ballarat winter, it comes as no surprise to us Ballaratians (Ballifornians?) there seems to be no shortage of water at this time of year.

But when it comes to water and your home, your roof gutters do all the heavy lifting. They are the unsung heroes keeping your home from turning into a swamp, and with some love and care, will protect your home for many years to come...

...But if you have a small forest growing in your roof gutters (There's no shame! Many people do!) and your gutters are groaning under the weight, it could be a disaster in the making...

Read on if you dare...

Roof gutters are designed to divert all that pesky Ballarat storm water away from your property. Without proper maintenance in the way of gutter cleaning, blocked roof gutters can create serious damage and degrade the structural integrity of your home.

When water is unable to escape into your home’s storm water drainage system, water can migrate into your roof, or over time, leak over your gutters (or through) and pool at your foundations causing structural damage.

Types of damage may include:

  • Rotting of timber fascia and migration of moisture and rot into the house frame

  • Prolonged organic matter build-up in gutters can cause gutters to rust out and leak.

  • Rot and fungal growth in wooden foundations can cause sections of the house frame to slump, causing warping and walls to crack.

  • Water pooling at the base or underneath your concrete house slab can cause your slab to crack and move, putting stress on the frame of your home.

  • Moisture can be absorbed by brick causing damage to mortar. This may cause mortar to degrade, and your wall may need to be repointed. A good indicator that this is happening will be a line of white salt efflorescence in your brickwork or render falling away. Moisture may transfer into your wall space causing rot and organic growth inside of the walls and frame of your home.

  • Moisture can attract pests such as termites, causing additional structural damage to your home.

As you can see gutter cleaning is a serious business! Without proper care and maintenance, this often-neglected part of people’s homes could potentially cost thousands of dollars in damage.

Cleaning can be completed with some simple tools such as a potting scoop/ladle, a garden hose, a bucket, and a sturdy ladder (with some stabilizers or a good mate to give you a hand).

Gutter cleaning is not an overly complicated job, but please remember before carrying out any work, the job does come with some serious risk in the way of falling from height and cuts to hands.

Due to the messy, risky, and tedious nature of the work getting a professional in just makes better sense for some people. And that is (shameless plug incoming!) where we come in 😊

If your would rather not be up to your elbows in gunk and not overly keen on ladders, head over to our Gutter Cleaning Service Page or to our Pricing Estimate Calculators to take the headache out of this important part of building maintenance.

Gutter Cleaning Online Estimate Calculator

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